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Error tijdens installeren Gallery

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 13:03
by seiko
Met stap 4 krijg je deze vraag.
Storage Setup

Gallery needs to store data in a directory on your server. It will use this directory to store your images as well as other important data. For security, we suggest that you place this directory outside of your web site so that it cannot be browse directly via the web. This is necessary if you wish to have your images accessible only via Gallery [*]. Note that the default path provided below is inside the webserver area. This is because we are unable to reliably guess a directory outside of your web site. You should update it with a secure location, such as a path under your user home directory, if possible. If you access your site via FTP, you might not have this option.

If you're using a modern browser, we'll try to autocomplete any path you enter here. So if you're having trouble finding the right path to your g2data directory, try experimenting with paths in the text box below and see what completions it provides for you.
Directory path:


Your webserver needs to be able to write to this directory. Permission systems vary from host to host. You can set a very relaxed set of permissions on this directory to get Gallery working, but if you're concerned about security you should consult your system adminstrator to figure out how to make this as secure as possible. To get it working, you can follow these examples.
Note: these are only examples! You may find that they don't work quite right on your system.
Unix (with shell access)

$ mkdir /var/www/vhosts/
$ chmod 777 /var/www/vhosts/
Unix (with ftp access)
Note that ftp servers and clients vary so these instructions may not work for you. Consult the manual for your FTP client or talk to a system administrator for help with this if you have problems

ftp> cd /var/www/vhosts/
ftp> mkdir g2data
ftp> chmod 777 g2data
Als ik dan save druk krijg ik deze error.
There was an error creating the directory structure within the storage directory.
please help

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 13:10
by DSmarty
Ahh, nu valt het kwartje, het gaat om een nieuwe installatie:

Er is ene issue met Gallery sinds de laatste update, het is wachten op een fix van SWSoft. Het issue is in ieder geval bij ze bekend.

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 13:17
by seiko
Hmmzzz hoop dat ze dat snel doen ;)

Posted: 20 Dec 2006, 11:23
by DSmarty
Issue is opgelost. Probeer het nog eens.

Posted: 20 Dec 2006, 11:53
by seiko
Klopt :)